When you get numerous calls from unidentified numbers, it may be difficult for you to compute whether the calls are from a friend or a foe and on such occasions, a fax number database reverse telephone directory will come to your aid. You may be aware that a reverse directory is a compendium of millions of telephone numbers that also have the corresponding details of the owners of the numbers. The details that are provided may cover the name of the owner of the number, the person's residential and office addresses, other phone numbers of the person, if any, fax number database members of the person's family and sometimes, the details of the person's neighbors. The details may also tell you if the person has any criminal or civil court records. Thus you get the complete information about the person.
A reverse telephone directory should have a large database fax number database of telephone numbers so that your chances of not getting the details of a person are very minimal. The database must cover land lines, cell phone lines, mobile lines, toll free lines, fax lines, numbers that are not listed on the white pages, etc. The major difference between a complete and good reverse phone directory and a free directory is that the free directory covers fax number database only land line numbers whereas the former covers all the details that are mentioned above.
A reverse directory is useful only if its details are fax number database updated periodically so that it can provide accurate information to the users. Address and phone number changes must be effected immediately. Since all the companies who provide these services do not have the money and muscle to do this, there are fax number database only a few of them who live up to the expectations of the users.